2 minute read

Sumarry: Intel Parallel Studio is a powerful tool in many computational scenarios.

In this blog, I will introduction how to install it and run Fortran code as an example.

Check this blog on github.


1. Install it on Linux

1.1 Download “intel parallel studio”

Go to this website to download, choose student, https://software.intel.com/en-us/parallel-studio-xe/choose-download, register and login with username and password, download full packcage.

1.2 Installation guide

Reference: https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/parallel-studio-xe-2020-install-guide-lin_2.pdf Refer to 3.2 2 Installation Through Command Line Interface (CLI) in above guide.

  • Cd to the download folder, unzip the software package
  • Cd to the folder, bash install.sh
  • Then, follow the instructions to install
  • set the environment variables After installation, follow the instruction to set the environment variables by sourcing the environment script https://software.intel.com/en-us/get-started-with-fortran-compiler-for-linux-parallel-studio-xe

    name fig 1: Set the environment variables

  • Cd intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.0.088/bin

  • Source psxevars.sh

1.3 Test fortran compiler

Test hello world

Name a file hello_for.f90

print *, "Hello, world" 

Cd to the code’s folder,

ifort hello_for.f90


name fig 2: Test fortran compiler

Test mkl

cd to the fortran code which calls mkl, compile it:

ifort main.f90 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm

name fig 3: Test mkl

Build successed, which means mkl is called successfully.

2. Run Fortran code on windows

2.1 Install visual studio

2.2 Download Intel parallel studio

Go to the website, https://software.intel.com/en-us/parallel-studio-xe/choose-download#students, choose windows.

Login and download windows version. When download is done, go to the download folder and double click the software to install.

Follow the instruction to install.

2.3 Run Fortran code

When installation is done, start your visual studio, My visual studio is Microsoft visual studio 2019.

  • Create a new project
  • Choose the Empty Project with F

    name fig 4: Choose the Empty Project

  • Input Project Name and Location, Create
  • In the pop up window, choose Empty Project, OK


    fig 5: Choose the Empty Project

  • Right click source file, Add -> new item

    name fig 6: Add new item

  • Add fortran file

    name fig 7: Add fortran file

  • Right click the project name, then click properties


    fig 8: Project properties

  • In the new window, click Fortran -> Libraries -> Use Intel Math Kernel Library ->choose Sequential,OK

    name fig 9: Fortran Libraries setting

  • In same windown, Linker -> System -> SubSystem -> Consol, OK

    name fig 10: Linker System

  • write fortran hellow world in hello_for.f90

      print *, "Hello, world" 
  • Then click Build -> Build Solution, hopefully, it will success.

    name name fig 11: Build Solution

  • Then click Debug -> Start Without Debugging to run the code

    name name

    fig 12: Run code
